If you're currently fighting against mental or chronic illness, keep fighting. You're never alone and are so worth the effort.

Spoonie Secrets

Life as a Spoonie, Spoonie Life Hacks, Rants, Accessibility, Chronic Illness, Disabilities, and More!

Learn it, love it, live it.

Medical ID Ideas: Do Not Separate (June 2015)
Brief, embedded in a pupdate.
Personal Journey to a Diagnoses: Part 1 (July 2016)
Worsening health, lack of any kind of a helpful diagnosis, and the evolution of a service dog to accommodate arising needs.  Embedded in a pupdate.
Owner-Training: an Option to Consider (for your non-program-conforming illness/disability) (April 2016)
Because sometimes spoonies don't quite fit in one box.  Part 1.
Personal Health Update: How Illness Changes Plans (April 2016)
Brief, embedded in a pupdate.
Why You Shouldn't Pet Service Dogs (share this with someone in your life who just. doesn't. get it) (August 2015)
Because with limited spoons, sometimes you just don't want to waste them by explaining this for the billionth time.
The Mental Health Stigma: Reflections (July 2015)
Mini (civil) rant, how I think we need to change the world, reflections, find out if you're adding to the stigma, and more.

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